About Us – FOSA
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About Us

FOSA is a non-profit organization created in Washington DC in 2017 with the mission of educating industry, government and the public on the benefits of fiber optic sensing. Through webinars, videos, white papers, public presentations and public policy advocacy, the organization provides information on the use of fiber optic sensing to secure critical facilities, enhance public safety and protect the environment.

Fiber optic sensing can be deployed to continuously monitor vehicle movement, human traffic, digging activity, seismic activity, temperatures, structural integrity, liquid and gas leaks, and many other conditions and activities along a fiber optic cable. Fiber optic sensing is used around the world to monitor smart infrastructure, such as railways, bridges, tunnels, borders, power stations and pipelines. It is also used in downhole oil and gas applications, to help characterize reservoirs and assist in well-optimization during production and completion. The technology is not constrained by line of sight or remote power access and, depending on system configuration, can be deployed in continuous lengths over hundreds of miles with detection at every point along its path. Cost per sensing point over great distances cannot be matched by competing technologies, such as point sensors, and often existing deployed fibers can be utilized. As broadband demands spur expansion of fiber optic networks, “multi-use” of such infrastructure may create opportunities to improve the value added by these networks, complementing the emergence of smart cities, smart highways, smart pipelines, etc.

Fiber optic sensing works by measuring changes in the “backscattering” of light occurring in an optical fiber when the fiber encounters vibration, strain or temperature change. The fiber serves as sensor over its entire length, delivering real time information and pinpointing the precise location of events and conditions occurring at or near the sensor cable.

FOSA membership is open to organizations which manufacture, install, test, evaluate, support or use fiber optic sensing systems and equipment.


Our Mission

The Fiber Optic Sensing Association’s mission is to educate industry, government and the public on the benefits of using advanced optical fiber based sensing technologies to enhance public safety, promote security of critical facilities and infrastructure, and protect the environment.

Our Vision

To be the voice of the fiber optic sensing sector and the source of information for all interested parties.

Our Board of Directors

Jon Beckman, VIAVI Solutions (Chairman)

Nilson Gabela, Corning (Vice Chairman)

Steven Koles, Hifi (Treasurer)

Amanda Hetzel, Network Integrity Systems (Secretary)

Paul Dickinson, Dura-Line(Chairman Ex Officio)

Kevin Boone, FEBUS Optics

David Chen, Go!Foton

Kyle Glaeser, Underline

Sergey Golubtsov, Electronics and Optical Sensing Solutions (EOSS) at Prysmian North America

Martin Strohbach, AP Sensing

JJ Williams, Luna Innovations

Executive Director

Mike Hines
(860) 993-5627


Joy Molony

Additional Resources


FOSA Engagement & Industry Relationships

ACT | The App Association
American Petroleum Institute (API)
Asia Internet Coalition (AIC)
Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA)
Australian Services Roundtable (ASR)
Brazilian Association of Information Technology and Communication Technology (BRASSCOM)
Business Council for Sustainable Energy
Business Software Alliance
Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction (CSIC)
Canadian Chamber of Commerce
Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS)
Clean Energy Business Network
Coalition of Services Industries (CSI)
Common Ground Alliance (CGA)
Communications and Information Network Association of Japan (CIAJ)
Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA)
Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA)
Edison Electric Institute (EEI)
European Data Centre Associations (EUDCA)
Excavation Safety Alliance
FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) 
Fiber Broadband Association
GridWise Alliance
Information Technology and Communications Chamber of Argentina (CICOMRA)
Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)
Internet Association (IA)
Internet Infrastructure Coalition
Japan Business Council in Europe (JBCE)
Japan Business Machine and Information System Industries Association (JBMIA)
Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA)
Japan Information Technology Services Industry Association (JISA)
Japan Machinery Center for Trade and Investment (JMC)
Mexican Chamber of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies (CANIETI)
National Foreign Trade Council (NFTC)
NERC (North American Electric Reliability Corporation)
Oceantic Network
Optical Fiber Conference (OFC)
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)
Security Industry Association
Smart Cities Council
Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA)
United States-India Strategic Partnership Forum (USISPF)
United States Chamber of Commerce
US Geological Survey (USGS)
Utilities Technology Council (UTC)
United States Council for International Business (USCIB)
Wireless Infrastructure Association

Speaking Engagements & Participation

USGS (US Geological Survey) March 6
Optical Fiber Conference (OFC), San Diego, CA March 27
Fiber Broadband Association’s Fiber Day on the Hill, Washington, DC April 11
Common Ground Alliance Conference & Expo 2024, Colorado Springs, CO April 14-18
Edison Electric Institute’s Spring Transmission, Distribution, Metering & Mutual Assistance Conference, Houston, TX April 17
BICSI’s regional ICT Forum Houston, TX May 14
Utilities Technology Council (UTC), Mobile, AL May 23
American Petroleum Institute (API) Pennsylvania “Natural Gas and Oil Day” June 25
Fiber Connect Nashville, TN July 29
Fiber Optic as Sensor conference, Computer Measurement Group (CMG/aggfa) Austria & Eastern Europe, Vienna, Austria September 5

Common Ground Alliance Conference & Expo 2023 April 20
Energy industry interview by “Coffee with Jim & James” April
Broadband Communities Summit 2023 May 4
Utilities Technology Council (UTC) Telecom & Technology Conference Fort Lauderdale, FL June 4
FERC & NERC Joint Technical Conference (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission & North American Electric Reliability Corporation) Atlanta, GA August 10
Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) September 20
Resilient Cities Network, Global Cities on the Frontline Speaker Series October 26
Excavation Safety Alliance November 9

SmartTransit East Boston, MA March 15-17
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Allied Smart Cities: Future of Fiber Round Table February 16
FRA Track & Railroad Workplace Safety Symposium St. Louis, MO April 5-7
Fiber Connect Nashville, TN June 12-15
SmartRail Europe Rome, Italy June 13-15
Common Ground Alliance Committee Summit, Greensboro, NC July 26
International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors OFS 2022 Alexandria, VA August 31
Fiber Broadband Association Power Utilities Roundtable Virtual September 7
SmartTransit West Denver, CO October 24-26
Common Ground Alliance Technology Committee Spotlight Webinar, Virtual November 8

Fiber Connect Nashville, TN July 26

Department of Energy, Electricity Advisory Committee, oral comments at the session May 29
SmartTransit Virtual August 25
Fiber Broadband Association Fiber for Breakfast webinar series August 26

Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO February 6
Optical Networking and Communication Conference (OFC) San Diego, CA March 5
Fiber Connect LATAM Sao Paulo, Brazil March 25-27
North Dakota Pipeline Safety Operator Training Seminar Bismark, ND April 2&3
Transport Security Congress Washington, DC May 14&15
US Congressional Smart Cities Caucus June
International Conference on Smart Infrastructure and Construction (ICSIC), Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction Cambridge, UK July 8-10
New Day at the MTA (Metropolitan Transportation Authority) NYC, NY September 20
Cornell Program in Infrastructure Policy NYC, NY October 23
Texas Gas Association November 14

Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing (DFOS) Workshop Denver, CO August 30
Western Regional Gas Association (WRGA) August 30
National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) Natural Gas Infrastructure Modernization Partnership, Boston MA September 19
Fiber Broadband Association webinar November 18

Our History

FOSA was launched in 2017 by twelve companies involved in the provision of fiber optic sensing equipment and services: AFL, Corning, Ditch Witch, Dura-Line, Fotech Solutions, Frauscher Sensor Technology USA, Inc., Integrated Roadways, OFS, Omnisens, OptaSense, OZ Optics, and Prysmian. Members of FOSA’s founding Board of Directors were Stan Fendley, Corning (Chairman); Mike Hines, OFS (Vice Chairman); John Williams, OptaSense (Secretary); Steve Seabolt, Ditch Witch (Treasurer); Kent Wardley, Fotech Solutions; Vivek Caroli, Frauscher Sensor Technologies USA, Inc.; Marc Nikles, Omnisens; Gordon Youle, OZ Optics; Steve Szymanski, Prysmian; Heather Burnett Gold, FBA; and Scott Jackson, FBA. Shortly after the launch of FOSA, Adelos Inc., AP Sensing, NKT Photonics, Hifi Engineering and Network Integrity Systems added their names to the membership list.

The first committee to be formed within FOSA was the Technology Committee, which, under the chairmanship of Dr. Chris Minto of OptaSense, took on a number of important tasks including writing 1-page primers on various aspects of distributed fiber optic sensing (DFOS), as well as “DFOS Installation Considerations” for pipelines, railways and other applications. In 2018, a special Working Group of the Technology Committee was formed under the leadership of AP Sensing’s Gareth Lees to investigate the need for and support for a Pipeline Safety Test Facility to support the North American market. That working group developed a questionnaire to obtain the views of knowledgeable people in the field, including pipeline operators, oilfield services companies, fiber optic sensing equipment providers, and non-profit testing organizations. Based on responses to the questionnaire, the Working Group then developed a Concept Paper, which attempted to visualize a facility which would meet the criteria voiced by respondents. That Concept Paper, and the Questionnaire Responses themselves, were shared with industry leaders and government officials in order to spur a conversation regarding the proposed Pipeline Safety Test Facility.

In December 2024, Jon Beckman of VIAVI Solutions succeeded Dr. Paul Dickinson as FOSA Chairman. Nilson Gabela of Corning was elected Vice Chairman. Amanda Hetzel of Network Integrity Systems was elected Secretary. Steven Koles of Hifi was re-elected Treasurer. Mike Hines of Optical Strategies continues as FOSA’s Executive Director. Joy Molony has been a Director with FOSA since the assocation was launched in 2017.

In December 2023, Dr. Dickinson of Dura-Line was re-elected as FOSA Chairman. Jon Beckman of VIAVI Solutions was elected Vice Chairman, Nilson Gabela of Corning was elected Secretary, and Steven Koles of Hifi was re-elected Treasurer. Mike Hines of Optical Strategies became FOSA’s Executive Director. Joy Molony has been the Director of Membership and eMedia since FOSA was launched in 2017.

In December 2022, Dr. Paul Dickinson of Dura-Line succeeded Dave Cunningham as FOSA Chairman. Paul Baird of Prysmian Group was elected Vice Chairman, Gayla Arrindell of Corning was elected Secretary, and Steven Koles of Hifi was re-elected Treasurer.

In December 2021, Dave Cunningham of Network Integrity Systems succeeded Kent Wardley as FOSA Chairman. Paul Dickinson of Dura-Line was elected Vice Chairman, Paul Baird of Prysmian was re-elected Secretary and Steven Koles of Hifi was re-elected Treasurer.

In December 2020, Kent Wardley of Fotech Solutions succeeded Mike Hines as FOSA Chairman. Dave Cunningham of Network Integrity Systems was elected Vice Chairman, Paul Baird of Prysmian was re-elected Secretary and Steven Koles of Hifi was elected Treasurer.

In December 2019, Mike Hines of OFS succeeded JJ Williams as FOSA Chairman. Kent Wardley of Fotech Solutions was elected Vice Chairman, Paul Baird of Prysmian was re-elected Secretary, and Mark Bradley of Corning was elected Treasurer.

In December 2018, John Williams of OptaSense succeeded Mike Hines as FOSA Chairman. Mike Hines of OFS was elected Vice Chairman, Paul Baird of Prysmian was elected Secretary, and Joey Herridge of Corning was elected Treasurer.

In December 2017, Mike Hines of OFS succeeded Stan Fendley as FOSA Chairman, John Williams of OptaSense was elected Vice Chairman, Gordon Youle of OZ Optics was elected Treasurer, and newly-elected board member Greg Williams of Prysmian became Secretary. Geoffroy Lacoin of Omnisens, first appointed to the Board in the fall of 2017 to replace Marc Nickles, and Vivek Caroli of Frauscher Sensor Technologies USA, Inc., were reelected to the Board.