FOSA at the Common Ground Alliance Conference & Expo 2023 – FOSA
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FOSA at the Common Ground Alliance Conference & Expo 2023

The Common Ground Alliance is making fantastic progress year over year in leading the drive to zero with underground utility damage and life safety events through use of a wide range of technological, logistical, and educational approaches. Many of these technologies and call center 811 coordinated activities, however, have challenges in acquiring continuous ‘live’ data of potentially damaging activities along right of ways. Distributed fiber optic sensing will provide a very valuable complementary and unique tool whereby live detection of right-of-way activity can alert and enable both protection and activity monitoring. The Fiber Optic Sensing Association will describe the technology and provide, through review of several FOSA member company gas and electric utility use cases, how this technology is already being used in the utility space.  Q & A at the end is anticipated to lead to fruitful next steps to determine how best to move forward for the benefit of CGA member companies. FOSA members on the panel include: Dr. Paul Dickinson, Chairman of Board Fiber Optic Sensing Association and Director of Technology Partnerships, Dura-Line; Dave Cunningham, Board Member, FOSA and Vice President of Marketing, Network Integrity Systems; John J. Williams, Board Member, FOSA and Global Commercial Director, Luna Innovations; Kevin Bradley, Managing Director, Americas, AP Sensing Americas; and Michael Montgomery, Director of Applications Engineering and Operations, AP Sensing.
FOSA at the Common Ground Alliance Conference & Expo 2023