AP Sensing and Sercel Launch Innovative Railway Infrastructure Monitoring Solution – FOSA
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AP Sensing and Sercel Launch Innovative Railway Infrastructure Monitoring Solution

AP Sensing announces the launch of a joint innovative solution for comprehensive railway infrastructure monitoring. The world’s first Below Ballast Scan (BBS) solution is the result of joint technical work combining AP Sensing’s unique Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) technology and Sercel’s comprehensive geophysical solution for near-surface evaluation using DAS data. The joint solution provides insights to help customers understand the roadbed and underlying geology to better manage their geotechnical risks. The BBS monitoring solution provides critical data needed for safe railway operations and is an important complement to existing shallow near-surface inspection techniques and rail monitoring. The use of already-existing fiber optic infrastructure, together with extremely long-range evaluation capability, makes the solution very cost-effective and non-intrusive.
AP Sensing and Sercel Launch Innovative Railway Infrastructure Monitoring Solution
AP Sensing News February 7, 2023