24/7 Pipeline Intelligence – FOSA
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24/7 Pipeline Intelligence

FOSA discusses how distributed fiber optic sensing technology is advancing safety and efficiency in pipeline operations. Distributed fiber optic sensing (DFOS) provides the unique ability to monitor in real-time several physical phenomena associated with these threats, such as temperature, strain and vibration. This article by FOSA reviews the different technologies, their advantages, which applications they are most appropriate for and considerations to take when laying fiber. Thanks to its continuous monitoring, DFOS provides a vital layer of additional intelligence, able to detect and to pinpoint the location of multiple threats simultaneously. DFOS requires only an optical fiber to provide readings from thousands of locations along the entire route of a pipe. DFOS is a reliable, safe, secure, economical and scalable technology with multiple fields of use at pipelines, enabling operators to accurately monitor their pipelines to protect their assets and improve safety.
24/7 Pipeline Intelligence
World Pipelines October 2021
Link to the article