American Augers/Trencor Products Now Sold Through Ditch Witch Division – FOSA
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American Augers/Trencor Products Now Sold Through Ditch Witch Division

The Ditch Witch Division of Charles Machine Works will now offer the full product lines, parts and service for both the American Augers and Trencor brands, which will continue to be manufactured in West Salem, Ohio. “This is a great opportunity for our Trencor and American Augers’ customers to receive all the benefits our Ditch Witch customers have been accustomed to for more than 60 years,” said Kevin Smith, general manager of the Ditch Witch Division. Ditch Witch invented the underground utility construction industry, and today designs, manufactures and markets the most complete line of directional drills, drill pipe, HDD tooling, Underground Awareness electronics, vacuum excavators, trenchers, surface miners, fluid recycling systems, chain, teeth and sprockets, stand-on skid steers and vibratory plows.
American Augers/Trencor Products Now Sold Through Ditch Witch Division
Underground Construction April 2021 Vol. 76 No. 4, p.42
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